How to stop being content with small
In childhood, we dream of a lot: change the world, conquer mountains and sea depths, write a book and invent something. But over time, we begin to appreciate stability and security and
abandon our desires. Psychologist Jil Weber talks about five ways that will help keep faith in their strength.
Life dissatisfaction arises when a person constantly agrees not to what he wants, but to what is understandable, safe and easy to achieve. When you begin to make decisions that reflect your desires, you begin to feel much better and the better you feel, the more confident become.
No longer abandon adventures, meetings with interesting people and activities that you like. Do not be afraid of difficulties. And for courage, fate rewards you. She provides many opportunities every day.
It is not difficult to start living a full life if you follow five tips:
1.Stop justifying the bad actions of other people
You are constantly trying to find an excuse for the rudeness of other people in relation to you? “He had a hard day, so he screams and swears dirty” or “My mother had a hard life, so she makes me work without rest. She only wishes me good “.
Your behavior speaks of self -doubt and problems in relationships. Instead of trying to justify others, gain courage and talk with a person who offends you. If you meekly accept the fact that your loved ones depreciate you as a person, ignore what you do and behave rudely, it means that you do not respect yourself and voluntarily give up a normal life.
2.Understand: you do not get what you want, not because of some higher forces, but because of yourself
Something unpleasant happens or what interferes with the implementation of your plans, and you say to yourself: “It was the highest forces that have decided so”. Life is sometimes unfair, but not always. Every time you try to do what you want, start with a clean sheet. Otherwise, the load of past failures will make you vulnerable. And you will not be able to achieve heights in relations, work and other areas.
3.Realize that being alone does not mean to be abandoned
The fact that you are now does not mean that something is wrong with you. If you cannot bear loneliness and begin to look for flaws in yourself, criticize your solutions, appearance, character, you can easily get into toxic love or friendly relations. This happens when people try to get rid of loneliness at any cost. Accept the fact that you are now alone, and after a while you will meet the right people.
4.Learn to talk about what you want, do not hesitate to repeat it
You can’t get anything until you accept and realize your desires and tell about them to loved ones and those who surround you. Make contact with your desires, both large and insignificant. Talk about them with your family, with friends and acquaintances. Say them out loud. Then you will not have ways to retreat.
5.Do not agree to what you don’t want
We often agree to what they offer to avoid conflict or not to spoil the relationship. If you are ready to do what you really do not want to please your partner, you ignore your needs, lose your identity. When you are asked what you want for lunch, do not answer right away, pause. Ask yourself: “What dish I really would like to see on the table?”And only after that, honestly, answer the interlocutor’s question.